Jared Diamond, he is completely admirable. He has studied physiology, biogeography, the prehistory of humanity, the history of collpased civilizations, and in this book, he writes on the evolution of human sex.
He proposes a new possible explanation for human menopause: as childbirth in more advanced ages raises the probability of death for the woman, and as human society survival has depended for such a long part of prehistory on the authority and knowledge of the elders, maybe menopause serves to let the elder live longer, for the good of the family and even the society. Elders know best. He notes that other alleged cases of menopause in other animals are doubtful, except for a species of whales, in which large groups have cultural transmission, which would need elders as well, and maybe they have menopause for the same reason.
He stresses on the runaway selection model possibility for accounting for human male's excessively large penises: five times larger than the inferred ancestral penis size for primates. Maybe in humans (and chimpancees), penis size is not a question of function, but of beauty and status, to attract females and to establish dominance over other males.
Maybe the phallocarps (big ornaments used by some indigenous tribes that dress the penis giving it the appearance of a bigger size) show what the ideal size would be for a penis in the mind of its owner, and maybe the only reason why we don't have such big penises is because they would loose their very important function, because they wouldn't fit inside a vagina.
1 comment:
Bueno, en materia de idiomas soy más un lumper que un splitter (osea, mas un agrupador que un separador, osea, prefiero un texto en spanglish antes que un texto con frases intercaladas en ingles y en español), y soy mas un eclecticista que un purista, o sea, prefiero saber mal dos idiomas antes que saber bien uno, sobre todo si uno de esos dos idiomas es el ingles, lingua franca (y esto es latinismo) del mundo actual.
La meta es llenar este blog de comentarios sueltos de vez en cuando, pero siempre dejar al menos un parrafito sobre el libro que me haya acabado de leer, en el mismo idioma en el que me haya leido el libro, asi que de vez en cuando verá comentarios en português.
Qué pretencioso y pedante sueno, verdad? jajaja, no importa, porque de por sí ya sé que este blog casi ni tiene público, jaja, asi que me evito la "corrección política", igual, como dijo Bill Cosby, "No sé cuál es la clave del éxito, pero la clave del fracaso es querer complacer a todo el mundo".
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