Los siguientes son fragmentos relatando el triunfo genético de dos seres humanos uno en Asia y otro en Irlanda. En el mismo artículo se relata el triunfo de un gen que sobrevivió a su especie de origen: la microcefalina, que tiene que ver con el tamaño del cerebro, y pasó a los seres humanos gracias a la hibridización con los neandertales.
High-Achieving Genes
One way to overcome your own mortality is to produce a dynasty.
That's what Genghis Khan did, and did with astonishing success. An estimated 16 million men today, plus an uncounted number of women, are his direct descendants.
Closer study revealed that this marker probably originated in Mongolia roughly 1,000 years ago, plus or minus three centuries.
Khan was born around 1162 in Mongolia, and in his forties he began a campaign of conquest, ultimately creating an empire stretching from the Caspian Sea to the Pacific.
Irish geneticists have discovered a marker carried by one in five men from northwestern Ireland. They also noticed something else these men shared in common: their last names.
traditionally thought to have been founded by a fifth-century warrior known as Niall of the Nine Hostages.
Instead of natural selection, they experienced historical selection.
High-Achieving Genes - Karl Zimmer
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